Victim Mind Harassment Control In Malaysia

Selain daripada meninggalkan kisah mangsa (Mind Harassment Control In malaysia) ini di blogger saya, tiada lagi mana-mana pihak kerajaan dan pihak persendirian(NGO) sudi memberikan bantuan kepada mangsa. suara,perasaan dan tekanan mangsa hanya boleh diluaskan dlm blogger ini supaya mampu menenangkan hati dan fikiran mangsa. Berharap mampu membantu mengurangkan Mangsa mind Harassment Control , dan memberitahu kpd orang awam cara utk mengesan dan mengelakkan orang sekeliling terus dijadikan mangsa.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Kenapa Mangsa Asyik Buat Laporan Polis Dan Meminta Pihak2 Tertentu Menjalankan Kerja Siasatan

Perkongsian Dari Mangsa Mind Hrassment Control Di Malaysia
Kes mangsa Mind Harassment control dah lama berlaku di malaysia, tetapi pihak2 tertentu langsung tidak menjalankan siasatan lanjut tentang kes ini. walaupun kes jenis mind harassment control ini berlaku sejak 4 tahun lepas, dalam beberapa negeri mempunyai laporan polis dari mangsa yg berbeza dan setiap laporan polis mangsa hampir 80peratus sama dengan yg lain!

Hampir tiap-tiap bulan pasti akan  telefon ke PDRM Bukit Aman bertanya tentang proses kerja siasatan dah dijalankan atau belum ? tetapi mereka asyik menolakkan kerja siasatan ini ke bahagian2 yg tidak berkenaan !
Pelik kenapa tidak menjalankan tanggungjawab sendiri dan memulakan kerja siasatan dahulu ! selepas siasatan lanjut, barulah mampu membuktikan kes peralatan canggih ini berwujud ke tidak.

Jika mengikut siasatan dari mangsa malaysia, Peralatan canggih ini mempunyai pancaran atau tembakkan Sinaran gelombang otak yg tinggi dan mampu menjejaskan kesihatan mangsa dengan mengancam nyawa mangsa. kebanyakakan mangsa buat aduan /laporan polis disebabkan seperti kesihatan mangsa terjejas, nyawa mangsa terancam, nama baik mangsa sengaja diburukkan, gangguan 24jam sehari dari  kumpulan penganas ( mind harassment control) ini, mewujudkan halusinasi kpd orang awam supaya dapat menuduh,memfitnah dan berbagai hinaan palsu wujud dan berjaya menyerang mangsa.

Disebabkan sinaran gelombang yg tinggi ini 24jam sehari disinarkan ke otak mangsa, ia telah menyebabkan otak mangsa berasa tertekan dgn tekanan sinaran gelombang dan menganggu hidup harian dan prestasi kerja mangsa. jika disinarkan gelombang otak ini dlm jangka masa yg panjang, ia mampu menjejaskan sel otak dan menyakitkan otak dan badan mangsa.

Inilah kenapa mangsa ingin membuat laporan polis dan meminta pihak2 tertentu menjalankan kerja siatan lanjut.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Salah Sejenis Halusinasi Yg Diciptakan Oleh Peralatan MInd Control ~其中一种幻觉制造与脑电波骚扰器

~Salah sejenis halusinasi yg dicipta oleh Peralatan sinaran gelombang otak !
 ~其中一种由脑电波受扰器所制造的幻觉假象 !
Adakah anda terdengar orang yg berhampiran dengan anda tengah mengata,marah, gosip atau melepaskan jeritan tentang anda ? Jika jawapan anda adalah "Ya" !. Anda perlu memerhatikan orang yg berkenaan dan pastikan gerakan badan, mulut, pandangan arah dan sebagainya adalah tengah mengata anda. supaya tidak berwujudkan pergaduhan dan geseran yg tidak diingini. kemungkinan anda telah dijadikan mangsa Ganguan sinaran gelombang otak( victim Mind Harassment Control ), Peralatan canggih ini mampu menyamar dan menciptakan pelbagai halusinasi palsu kpd manusia.

你是否听见远处的人们正在骂你,或闲言闲语,对你大喊有关于你的一切时,如果你的答案 “是” !你必须先注意对方的动作有如肢体语言,嘴巴,对望方向或其他的,以确定对方是否在批论你及不会引起不必要的摩擦及争吵。因为你有可能已经成为脑电波受害 者了(victim mind harassment control),这台先进科技可以模仿及制造非常多的假象给人类。

Akhirnya , meminta rakyat malaysia perlu mengamalkan sikap toleransi dan perlu pandai bersabar terhadap orang sekeliling anda dan kawan2 yg berbangsa lain. supaya berharap keamanan dan kejahteraan negara mampu dikekalkan.
最好,请求马来西亚人民必须拥有礼让及忍让的精神来对待你身边的亲朋戚友或友族同胞。 以希望可以保持国家的和平与安康。

Saturday 23 November 2013

增加来历不明的电讯塔~Menambah banyak Pencawang Telekomunikasi Yg Tidak Diketahui

Dekat dengan beberapa tahun ini, negara kita mempunyai banyak pencawang telekomunikasi yg tidak ditahui siapakah pemilik pencawang tersebut. kenapa pemasangan pencawang telekomunikasi boleh dibina dimana-mana shj, tanpa sebarang lesen/permit yg diluluskan oleh pihak2 kerajaan yg tertentu. Sebagai rakyat atau penduduk setempat tiada cara utk mengesankan pencawang ini telah diluluskan oleh pihak kerajaan setempat ker tidak.
Pencawang ini jika dipasang berhampiran dgn kawasan rumah penduduk setempat, adakah pencawang ini akan menjejaskan kesihatan  dan berbahayakan penduduk setempat ? jika disahkan mempunyai sebarang ganguan kpd penduduk setempat, siapakah perlu dipersalahkan dan bertanggungjawab atas kesilapan ini.

最近这今年,我国多出了许多来历不明的电讯塔。 为何电讯塔可以再没经相关政府部门所验证及批准的执照或证书之下便自行安装了。身为人民或附近的住户都无法识别该电讯塔是否已经该地方政府的批准后才安装此电讯塔。

Rujukan Dari laman web dibawah:
参考与以下网址 :
沒資料, 沒人懂 , 快拆不明電訊塔

Friday 22 November 2013

脑电波受害者心情分享~Perasaan Mangsa Mind harassment Control~22Nov2013

 脑电波受害者心情分享~Perasaan Mangsa Mind harassment Control~22Nov2013


Sejak saya dijadikan mangsa sehingga hari ini, telah bertambah minat dan memahami peralatan canggih ini. mungkin disebabkan ini, lama kelamaan dah tahu peralatan ini akan menjejaskan dan meninggalkan banyak kesan buruk di dlm badan manusia.
peralatan ini adalah musuh manusia yg paling tercabar, bermula dari privasi otak dan hidup harian, kesihatan fizikal dan mental, kesakitan bahagian badan disebabkan pancaran sinaran gelombang yg tinggi, halusinasi kpd manusia diciptakan dari peralatan ini, bahagian otak perlu menerima beban sinaran gelombang otak yg tinggi sehingga mengalami kesakitan penyakit mental dan sebagainya.
Peralatan canggih ini kemungkinan besar akan dijadikan alat pembunuh  tanpa disedari dan mampu  mengancam kesihatan dan nyawa rakyat.  jika peralatan ini digunakan dalam kumpulan pengganas-pengganas Negara , maka ia mungkin akan digunakan utk mencabar  keselamatan dan keamanan  terhadap Rakyat  dan Negara.
Setiap peralatan yg canggih perlu dikawal dibawah undang-undang Negara,  Kesihatan dan nyawa rakyat negara perlu diutamakan .

Wednesday 20 November 2013

副交長︰若證實被監聽 政府會有行動 ~Jika disahkan isu intip perbualan itu wujud, pihak kerajaan akan mengambil tindakkan sewajahnya

我国的防卫一向来都很好,有可能会被某某无名团体(Big Brother 监听器)从外国发射到我国吗?
为什么这台外国流行的先进科技(Big Brother / 监听器),既然会和先进科技(脑电波骚扰器 / Mind harassment Control)那么相似呢?


Selama ini, kawalan keselamatan negara kita tiada ancaman dari luar negara dan aman selalu,  mungkin ker peralatan canggih ( Big Brother / Alat intip perbualan ) ditembak melalui luar negara sampai denstinasi negara kita ?
Habis itu, peralatan canggih dari luar negara itu mampu ditembak ke negara kita dan boleh cari (mangsa) sendiri ker ?
Kenapa peralatan canggih dari luar negara ini ( Big Brother / Alat intip perbualan ), hampir sama dengan peralatan ( Gangguan sinaran gelombang otak  / Mind Harassment Control ) ini

Mengapa Peralatan canggih ini boleh melaksanakan tugas di dalam negara kita tanpa sebarang pemberitahuan dan keizinan dari pihak2 tertentu dari negara kita ?

Kenapa laporan polis yg diberikan oleh mangsa Mind harassment control,  hampir sama dengan peralatan canggih dari luar negara?. Laporan polis yg diberikan oleh mangsa mind harassment control telah berwujud dari sejak awal lagi ..........

Rujukan Dari laman web media malaysia ! 参考与马来西亚媒体网站!

Friday 8 November 2013

脑电波经历之2013年11月8号~Gangguan Sinaran Gelombang Otak Pd 08November2013

 脑电波经历之2013年11月8号~Gangguan Sinaran Gelombang Otak Pd 08haribulanNovember2013

今天的我非常的不服气,脑电波团员又在重复利用脑电波骚扰器制造有关于我的谣言。我因压制不到情绪,既然再次发生磨擦。自从懂事以后的我,老人家都一直再三的提醒(人不犯我,我不犯人), 闲事莫理,百忍成金和别轻易的听信他人谣言及其他。但是这一切都让我觉得在现在的现实社会中有多少人还会考虑到这一点!为何现在的社会风气既然会因听闻一些不实谣言却对当事人做出无谓的攻击呢?

就应我成为受害者以来,我就知道这一台脑电波骚扰器都在制造幻听及幻觉,但我都可以一一克服。 但唯有当我遇到一些老早已经对我有非常不满的人时, 这时的他们就有意的把握机会将对我不利的谣言有如锦上添花般的散播到四周围。一向的我都不会因害怕,担心,恐惧而退缩的我既然将这件事闹得双方僵硬,在路旁不顾仪态的与那些人反驳与对质了半个小时多。不服气的我因被套上不实罪名及在公共场所对我指责不实及有意散播我的不是的人,我当然绝不退缩。


Hal yg berlaku hari ini, menyebabkan saya berasa panas seperti gunung berapi. kumpulan mind harassment control ini sekali lagi mengulangi perbuatan yg keji dan sama kepada saya. sekali lagi menyebarkan isu-isu atau gosi-gosip hal yg tidak benar dan isu yg mampu mengancam nyawa dan keselamatan saya di sekeliling saya. 

Sejak dari kecil lagi, selalu mendengar teguran dari orang tua, apabila sehari dah besar nanti, perlu ingat beberapa teguran seperti jangan jaga tepi kain orang, jangan usik org jika tak diusik, perlu pandai bersabar, jangan mudah percayai khabar angin atau gosip-gosip org lain dan sebagainya. tetapi di dunia sebenar, berapa ramai masyarakat mampu mengamalkan sikap seperti ini.  kenapa zaman kini, ramai diantara kita mudah percayai khabar angin atau gosip-gosip yg tidak benar sehingga melakukan sesuatu perbuatan yg tidak patut kepada mangsa tersebut !

Bermula dari sejak saya dijadikan mangsa Mind Harassmnet control ini, memang dah tahu kumpulan ini akan cuba mengunakan peralatan canggih mind harassment ini utk menghasilkan halusinasi atau khalayak kpd saya. tapi  segala halangan dan masalah yg dihadapi mampu dielakkan dan selesaikan. tetapi apabila isu-isu atau gosip-gosip ini disampaikan ke manusia yg sengaja ingin menyusahkankan dan menentang saya sejak awal lagi, inilah peluang yg paling sesuai kpd manusia begini. manusia seperti begini cuba tambah lagi cerita dan sebarkan hal ini di sekeliling dan mewujudkan isu-isu atau hal yg tidak benar kepada saya. tujuannya supaya saya diserang org ramai. Mungkin disebabkan saya lebih sudi menentang dan menafikan isu-isu atau hal yg tidak benar ini, akhirnya geseran dan pergaduhan saya dengan manusia ini bertambah teruk.

Apabila berdepan dgn kawan dua pihak, saya cuba soalkan dengan manusia ini kenapa burukkan nama saya didepan org ramai ?, Dimana asal isu ini?, tetapi manusia ini engan berjawab soalan yg ditanya oleh saya. perbualan kita hampir setengah jam, segala isu-isu dan gosip tersebut telah dibuktikan tiada kaitan dgn saya,. Akhirnya mungkin disebabkan manusia ini perlu menangung kesilapan diri sendiri seperti memburukkan dan menyebarkan gosip atau isu tidak benar  yg berkaitan dgn saya dan ugut saya semasa dlm talian telefon, manusia ini memilik berundur dan meningalkan tempat situ. Saya pelik kenapa saya asyik tanya dari mana isu ini berwujud, tetapi munusia ini tetap tidak berjawab.

Yang paling pelik ! dari awal setengah tahun sebelum ini, semasa saya dijadikan mangsa mind harassment control. saya penah melaporkan kes mind harassment ini kepada pihak polis, dan dalam surat laporan polis ini, saya penah mencatatkan salah satu masalah yg dihadapi oleh saya adalah seperti isu dan gosip-gosip seperti ini. Hal ini tetap sama dan kenapa ia boleh wujud  ?

Pelik memang pelik, tapi hal ini memang wujud ! 奇怪真奇怪,但是这已成了事实!

Kenapa sembunyikan jumlah keseluruhan ahli pegawai PDRM dlm Jabatan politik ?
質疑为何隱瞞政治部官員人數 ?

Rujukan Dari laman web media malaysia ! 参考与马来西亚媒体网站!

Sunday 3 November 2013

Mangsa2 Mind Harassment control yg terdapat dimalaysia ~马来西亚脑电波骚扰器的受害者

脑电波骚扰器( Mind Harassment Control In Malaysia )


Laman web dibawah adalah utk rujukan anda semua:
Alamat laman web dibawah adalah dimiliki oleh mangsa , tetapi tidak dapat mengumpulkan angaran angka sebenar dari mangsa yg terdapat di malaysia, kebanyakkan mangsa tidak tahu diri sendiri telah dijadikan mangsa.
Lokasi Mangsa/受害地点       : Sibu Sarawak
Nama Mangsa/受害者名称    : Lim  SENG CHOON 
Cara Menghubungi/联络方式  :

受害者  Nama   : Nara Subra
地点       Lokasi : 吉隆坡,马来西亚(Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia)

受害者 /Mangsa              : Kenneth Kok(哥哥) & Ms Kok (妹妹)
Website                             :
地点(Lokasi)                  :霹雳怡保,Ipoh Perak.

受害者  Nama   : Ben  
地点       Lokasi : 霹雳太平,马来西亚(Taiping Perak, Malaysia)

facebook :

Kita cuba menyumbangkan maklumat kepada rakyat malaysia, tetapi memang jarang  ada orang tahu bertapa mengancam dan bahaya tentang maklumat/fungsi yg terdapat di peralatan mind harassment control ini!

每当我们曾试制造自己的blogger, Facebook及email 时,我们的户口不久就会被关闭。所以请大家将相关质料分享给朋友,以防身边的亲朋戚友成为受害者后,对相关科技一无所知 ! 有可能导致受害者遇害程度进一步恶化。
Apabila kita cuba membina laman blogger, facebook dan email sendiri, akaun kita akan ditutup. oleh itu, meminta semua berkongsikan maklumat ini kpd kawan anda, supaya elakkan orang sekeliling anda tidak dijadikan mangsa seterusnya,  Jangan disebabkan tidak tahu! mungkin akan berbahayakan nyawa mangsa.

Kita memberi penerangan tentang kisah mangsa adalah berharap jika terdapat sesiapa telah dijadikan mangsa, ia mampu mendapatkan cara utk menghadapi masalah ini, dan orang awam tidak mengangap mangsa ini menghidapi penyakit mental ! Segala hal  ini berlaku disebabkan halusinasi atau khalayak yg dicipta oleh peralatan canggih ( Mind harassment control  ini.

Dalam pemikiran anda mungkin akan berwujud soalan seperti, kenapa anda terpilih utk dijadikan mangsa, kenapa kajian ini dikaji mengunakan rakyat biasa, kenapa anda begitu penting dan kenapa .............  ?
Tiada sebarang kemustahilan yg boleh berlaku pada zaman sekarang.

-------------- 显然的坐井观天。那些真实可靠的资讯。证明了政府的确有脑控技术和定向能武器,并拿平民做过一些实验。为何会持续至今未被揭发?肯定有你想不到的理由。而 且,国家的保密能力,和对官方专家学者、媒体的严密控制。
---------------Pengetahuan tentang teknologi canggih ini mungkin tidak disampaikan kepada rakyat malaysia pada waktu sekarang. tetapi segala maklumat mampu membuktikan kewujudlan peralatan ini, mengunakan rakyat biasa utk menjadi mangsa kajian mereka, kenapa sehingga sekarang masih tidak diketahui org ramai ? Dlm otak anda mesti tiada jawapan yg tepat. selain ini, segala maklumat yg berkaitan dgn peralatan canggih ini telah ditutup, termasuk pihak pegawai kerajaan, profesor, dan media malaysia telah dikawal.
Tiada sesiapa sudi mengambil risiko dan membantu mangsa, utk menyelesaikan masalah ini.

并 不是因为重要才被选中。这并不是什么好事。而是折磨、摧毁、迫害一个人,而且是贯穿终生,毁灭命运的。刻意选择看似不太重要的人,也是为了避免有效的反 击,更好的掩人耳目。破坏折磨优秀的精英群体,显然也有背于国家利益。而且,发现的受害者,是遍布全世界,数量庞大的。显然,他们的需求量,就是庞大的。
Bukan disebabkan anda orang yg terpenting, barulah akan dijadikan mangsa.sebaliknya mereka memilik rakyat biasa supaya hal ini tidak diketahui oleh orang ramai, dengan kumpulan yg terbabit mampu mengurangkan risiko diserang balik oleh mangsa. Jika dipilih menjadi mangsa, tiada kelebihan dan sebaliknya akan diseksa, dihina sehingga masa depan seseorang mangsa dimusnahkan. peralatan ini akan memusnakan rakyat yg berbakat di negera ini dan merosakkan masa depan negara ini.

Kes mangsa mind harassment ini terdapat di antarabangsa, dengan kajian ini memerlukan peratusan mangsa yg tinggi, mangsa akan bertambah ramai.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

What is Mind Harassment Control ?~什么是脑电波骚扰控制器?

What is Mind Harassment Control ?~什么是脑电波骚扰控制器

Alleged Silent Sound Spread Spectrum or SSSS or s-quad mind control signal generator.  Alleged U.S. DoD and U.S. black ops mind control technology.

Electronic warfare, aka psywar, psychotronic warfare, mind control, synthetic telepathy, remote neural monitoring (RNM), non-lethal weapons, directed energy weapons (DEW)Silent Sound Spread Spectrum or SSSS or s-quad, and various other names, is an amazing story of U.S. government top secret cold war unconventional sound manipulation and anti-brain beam weapons research and development gone completely awry and out of control.  The same technological revolution that brought TVs and stereos, computers, the Internet, and satellite TV also brought amazingly still officially "top secret" sound beam and anti-brain beam weapons routinely aimed and used against a small number of targeted individuals (or TIs) in America and the world, and routinely aimed against the loudspeakers of some large social change rallies.

Remotely Monitor Human Vital Signs

     Exmovere Holdings, Inc. is producing new wrist sensor-based remote vital signs monitoring equipment and software.  Their latest product is the Exmocare BT2, an upgrade from their earlier Exmocare BT1.  Future planned bluetooth vital signs wrist sensors include the Exmocare Empath and Exmocare Telepath that are both "intended for mass production".
     In addition to monitoring the basic human vital signs, the software uses human vital sign data to calculate the mood of the wrist sensor wearer.  The manufacturer claims at least 85% accuracy in calculating human mood or "emotional states" based on human vital signs data.  Exmovere Holdings, Inc also has a 16-page Sept. 2009 article on Emotions and Physiological Monitoring.  There are also a few videos explaining their technology.  From watching a little of one of their videos, apparently a cell phone is used to transmit data to a remote computer monitoring the wrist sensor's vital signs.
     The manufacturer envisions this technology can be used to monitor elderly health care patients [ideally at home] to ensure that their health is OK.  Also, the Exmocare Telepath will be designed to transmit this data to other companies, including security companies.
     While the manufacturer envisions health care providers and concerned family members using this technology to monitor the health of elderly health care patients, others are concerned that this or similar technology could be used in more Orwellian schemes by bosses to monitor employees or by other authority figures to monitor other people..

The Dazer Laser Dazzler Beam Weapon    
Top Secret Mind Control and Mind Reading Technology[Revised 3/27/13]
U.S. military laser distractor behind an LRAD.
Source: DoD Non-Lethal Weapons Program 2008 Annual Report.

"The [alleged] Rasputnik VI mind control pistol: The psychotron core (A) is housed inside a containment tube (B) and is connected to the integrated engramputer and power supply module (C) through a ring of back-scatter nubbins (D) to protect the user from self-inflicted brain-washing. The business end of the psychotron is capped with a removable psychotronic polarizing plate (B) which keeps the mind control ray focused along a narrow path, allowing for single-brain targeting. The ruggedized design uses only passive cooling fins (E), thereby limiting moving parts. A unique feature of Russian portable psychotron technology is the perpendicular transceiver channel (G), which allows the pistol to deflectively relay inductively amplified satellite signals to targets hidden under aluminum roofs."
the_state_of_the_russian_psychotronic state
Note: Apparently this alleged mind control beam weapon relays a remotely generated electronic signal beamed to it from a satellite.  This electronic signal that is beamed at the target after being relayed to the beam weapon by satellite is presumably managed by a computer in an office and created using computer controlled electronic signal generator technology and electronic signal modulator technology.

Source:  Candorville, 1/9/06.

Note: In Ed's 12/11/05 review of electronic warfare harassment technology being used against Ed, Ed listed mentioned electronic "dream manipulation", probably the first time Ed mentioned it at his website.  Ed made additional references to electronic dream invasion in his 1/4/06 website posting and his 12/31/05-1/1/06 self-defense logfile website posting.  Candorville ran 4 cartoons from 1/9/06-1/12/06 complaining about electronic dream invasions by U.S. secret police.  (This might have been the introduction of U.S. secret police Candorville cartoon characters Phil and Murph.)

Source:  Candorville, 1/10/06.

Note: Note the TI's anger at illegal electronic dream invasions and dream manipulation by U.S. secret police.  Also note the seasonal Christmas candy canes in this cartoon.  Ed raised the issue between 12/11/05-1/4/06 during the Christmas holiday season, and the cartoon includes candy canes, traditionally associated with Christmas.

Source:  Candorville, 1/11/06.

Note: Ed also had at least one FBI SID invaded and manipulated dream with a flying carpet and other FBI SID electronically invaded and manipulated dreams associated with flying.  These dreams were not mentioned at Ed's website.

Source:  Candorville, 1/12/06.

Note: Ed dismissed FBI SID invaded and manipulated dreams for years with a it's "just a dream" perspective, even while occasionally logging FBI SID invaded and manipulated dreams.  But the human brain is very weak and extremely suggestible while asleep, so the FBI SID chooses to try to gain information and/or gradually brainwash their target or victim while the TI is asleep.  In many cases, screwed up FBI SID dream invasion and manipulation scripts and/or dream invasion and manipulation software is designed to psychologically prepare TIs for being harassed and/or disrupted/manipulated/disabled electronically and/or in person.  Sometimes FBI SID electronically zapped nightmares are combined with fear zaps to try to scare, demoralize or freak out unsuspecting targets and/or soften them up for further psywar harassment.  If this happens to you, Ed strongly recommends taking 5-HTP, a self confidence and serotonin-booster. 

How to identify hi-tech Mind Harassment Control persecution~如何识别高科技脑电波骚扰的迫害~Bagaimana untuk mengenal pasti gangguan yg berteknologi tinggi

如何识别高科技脑电波骚扰的政治迫害~Bagaimana untuk mengenal pasti gangguan dari politik yg berteknologi tinggi ( Gangguan sinaran gelombang otak )
How to identify hi-tech political persecution ( Mind Hararrment control )

Here's how you can identify hi-tech political persecution, also known as psywar.  First, here are some warning signs and what they probably mean.  If you notice an immediate warning sign, then you might be a victim of hi-tech electronic persecution now, at this moment in time.  If you notice a warning sign, then you might have been a victim of hi-tech political persecution recently or in sometime in your past (and you might/might not be a victim at this particular moment in time).

Immediate warning signs
What each immediate warning sign means
1. Do you hear a voice or unusual noise in any fan (including a computer fan) or any engine (including a car engine, van engine, or bus engine)?
     Also, do you hear every room fan and some fans or motors in some other machines in your house or building broadcasting one or another semi-covert
LRAD sound beam broadcasts?

If you hear this, it means a semi-covert LRAD sound beam is either targeting or accidentally hitting the fan or motor.  It means a sound beam is being beamed to the fan or motor, and the sound is being amplified by the fan or motor.  Home air conditioning units and home heating units can loudly amplify a sound beam.  If the noise is heard from a car engine, it probably means the car engine is transpondered (beamed and temporarily turned into a sound beam receiver).
 LRAD sound beam broadcasts all over one's house or building can get repetitively annoying and it also illegally violates the targeted individual's or TI's privacy.  It is also a warning that stronger covert anti-brain beam weapons are probably also zapping the house.
2. Do you hear an ethereal voice from a distance?
If you hear this, you might be hearing a semi-covert LRAD sound beam broadcasting nearby where the sound beam is heard from the air.  (If they are beaming into the sky it can sound very impressive.)
     You can test for the presence of an
 LRAD sound beam by seeing if a desk fan or window fan or even computer fan starts broadcasting an LRAD sound beam when the fan is running.  If it does, you know there is an LRAD sound beam pointed at your house.  If it doesn't then there might/might not be an LRAD sound beam pointed elsewhere.
3. Test for subliminal message broadcasting by covering both ears (using one finger or using one finger to press each earlobe over your ears).
If you hear a message, usually a repeated dumb recorded message but sometimes live comments, then someone is trying to use subliminal suggestion technology to try to manipulate and mind control your brain.  There are 2 subliminals channels, one for the right ear and one for the left ear.
     Note: I do not understand this technology.   It's probably not an LRAD sound beam.  Here are some of the unknowns:
1. Does it hit one person or multiple people?
2. Does it require some time to heat up a target or TI (targeted individual) victim or does it work instantly or almost instantly?
3. Is it a one-way electronic beam or a 2-way electromagnetic beam with return beam data?
4. If it has return beam data, does the return beam data capture what the target's ears are hearing? 
4. Test for subliminal TV-synched messages by turning on your TV and muting it by turning off the sound.
If you hear a subliminal or semi-subliminal dialog, usually an obscene dialog, when people are silently speaking on TV with the sound muted by turning off the sound, then some sort of TV-synched subliminal broadcasting system (maybe silent sound spread spectrum or SSSS or s-quad mind control technology) is being used.
5. If you are playing some music that you remember the words to on your stereo, have any of the words changed?
     Also, do you detect any semi-subliminal messages, particularly during the instrumental and wordless parts of the music?
If your stereo is suddenly playing music that has definitely changed, there is a logical explanation.  Covert hi-tech psywar political persecution can wirelessly hijack control of an electronic stereo speaker and change the words.  (A common word modification is to remove the "s" from the end of a word, changing it a plural to singular noun.)
     Also, semi-subliminal message broadcasts are sometimes used to screw up your music listening experience.  A semi-subliminal message is a detectable message that you can't hear that is somehow zapped into your brain.  I do not understand the technology that does this but it might be
 silent sound spread spectrum or SSSS or s-quad mind control technology.Semi-subliminal messages are detected more easily and annoyingly if you hear music or even some humming.
     Note: most black ops workers love beautiful, nice sounding music, even if their evil black ops psywar job calls for them to screw up the sound of everything.  You might be able to persuade them to keep their sound sabotage to the absolute minimum if they want to hear more nice music now.  Also, sometimes some righteous political music (protest music, union music, and/or civil rights/freedom music) temporarily pulls black ops workers towards the right, not the wrong, way of thinking.
     FYI, in possible violation of music copyrights, black ops keep a huge collection of sabotaged music soundtracks and sometimes extra electronic sabotage data and they routinely illegally sabotaged copyrighted music.
6. If you are watching TV, has any of the TV dialog become weird?  Does any TV dialog in the TV shows and/or commercials seem unbelievable?  Does it sound like there is a black ops recording studio adding extra comments to your TV show?
      Also, do you detect any semi-subliminal messages, particularly if the TV show is a popular repeated TV show where the black ops workers might have had the time and motivation to electronically sabotage it?
If your TV has any weird dialog and what sounds like extra additions to the regular TV soundtrack, youmight be the victim of covert hi-tech psywar political persecution that can wirelessly hijack control of a TV speaker and change the words.  Black ops will also sabotage TV commercials.
     One partial solution is to display closed captioning on your TV screen.
 FYI, in possible violation of TV broadcasters' copyrights, black ops keep a huge collection of sabotaged TV show soundtracks and TV commercial soundtracks and sometimes extra electronic sabotage data and they routinely illegally sabotage copyrighted TV shows and copyrighted TV commercials.
7. Does any electronic sound broadcast or any person in your life seem to be responding to or using private knowledge gained from your personal thoughts?
If you believe someone might be reading your mind, there is a possible logical explanation.  Someonemight actually be reading your mind.  Covert hi-tech mind reading is possible and has been possible for years (maybe even as far back as 1976 in the Washington DC area).  Once black ops hi-tech harassment workers have the mind reading technology beam weapons in place and they are zapping you and they can mind-read you and probe your mind, they like to use their knowledge and they sometimes like to talk with you audibly as well as subliminally while they are reading your mind.  This beam weapon mind reading(and mind control) technology is top secret and rare but very powerful.
     Note: it is possible that the number of anti-brain beam weapons that are reading minds may exceed the limited number of beam weapon mind reading operators.  Thus it is possible that your mind might be being read with anti-brain beam weapon technology but that no one is listening (or no one is listening 100% of the time) to your mind-read thought-stream at the moment.  This is probably particularly true of very temporary non-primary electronic harassment targets.  If you are a non primary target, you might be in the ironic position of silently wishing they would
 stop harassing you with LRAD sound beam and/or anti-brain beam weapon harassment without any live beam weapon operator and/or beam weapon listening worker even hearing your complaint.
     Note: if you believe any
 LRAD sound beam is specifically targeting you individually, watch out for your mind being read and/or your mind being mind controlled also.
8. Are you functioning at reduced energy and/or reduced brainpower?  Do you find yourself passively resting instead of doing?  Do you feel groggy and disoriented instead of thinking quickly and alertly?  Also, are you feeling tired, whether or not you are short on sleep?
If you have reduced energy and/or reduced brainpower, you might be a victim of covert hi-tech electronic mind control.  If you are a victim, regaining as much of your brainpower and as much of your energy back as possible will help you cope.  Getting your brainpower, energy, and productivity back is sometimesextremely difficult if the black ops continue and continue to beam you.
9. Are you suddenly feeling like you're in a new mood with no apparent logical explanation?  For example, are you suddenly wide awake, sleepy, scared, depressed, irritated, angry, sad, stressed, relaxed, happy, cheerful, and/or horny with no apparent reason?
     Also, do you find your mood shifting too quickly and too frequently with no logical reason?
If you find your mood is changing for no apparent reason, you might be the victim of covert hi-tech electronic psywar mind control beam weapon zaps.  If secret mind control technology is being used to control your mood, it might be silent sound spread spectrum or SSSS or s-quad mind control technology being used to clone emotions.  At least one beam weapon operator labels this "mood setting".  (Anti-mind control expert Eleanor White also uses the term "mood setting".)
10. Do you suspect your computer is being wirelessly hacked and/or wirelessly remote controlled?
     Does it look like someone else might be partially running your computer?  Is your computer running abnormally slow?  Do you find yourself losing control of your mouse and/or keyboard for no apparent reason?  Does your mouse cursor ever jump from one location on the screen to another?  Do some window button options in one of your computer software windows mysteriously become deactivated and then reactivated later or sometimes reactivated if you resize the window?  Does the highlighting of text malfunction for no obvious reason?  Does the wording of your email or note sometimes seem to change as if someone else was editing it?  Does data ever mysteriously disappear from your computer, like someone remotely deleted it?
     Is your computer seriously malfunctioning for no apparent reason?  Is there any reason to suspect a remote computer user might be suspending, shutting down, and or hijacking any of your computer processes?  Do you have any phantom drives that windows believes are on your computer that you can't see or use?  Do you have a firewire network driver (probably without a physical firewire network device) in addition to a standard network driver?
If your computer is seriously malfunctioning, it might or might not be hacked and remote controlled.  Note: most skilled remote controlling of computers can be done wirelessly using standard windows software features like terminal services, probably using wireless simulated or virtual computer interfaces to wirelessly connect to the USB, USB 2.0, and/or firewire ports, T10, T100 (or maybe even T1000) network connections, phone modem connections, and/or connection to the PS/2 mouse and/or keyboard port, and/or a serial and/or parallel port, and/or a wireless network router, and/or a wired network router.  I have repeatedly found that some wireless hack by the electronic harassers has hijacked a mouse port and/or redirected mouse control with the result being that one of my 2 mice suddenly stops working.
     If you ever find a computer with a firewire network driver, you can strongly suspect that the firewire network driver is ready to be used to set up a very fast wireless network connection to a computer hacker's network. 
11. If you feel pain in a part of your body, for example tooth pain, is there less pain after you try pressing your hand against the part of your body in pain?
If the pain in a part of your body decreases after you press your hand against it, then it is probably an electronically zapped pain, not a real pain from a real problem in your body.  In the pain decreases after you put your hand on it, then your hand is probably partially shielding your body part from the zapped pain and decreasing the pain.
12. Are you experiencing insomnia at night, ie., you can't sleep and/or stay asleep?  
If you are suddenly experiencing insomnia at night, i.e., you can't sleep and/or stay asleep, you might be a covert hi-tech electronic persecution victim.
13. Did you suddenly get very drowsy and fall asleep in the middle of the day?
If you are suddenly experiencing narcolepsy during the day, ie., if you suddenly get drowsy and fall asleep during the day, you might be a covert hi-tech electronic persecution victim.
 Warning: if you can, try to disconnect your computer from the internet and shut it down before you fall asleep.  Also try to lock your bedroom door and physically secure your room before you fall asleep.
 Warning: if your computer and/or room is not secure while you are asleep, someone might have electronically broken into your computer or physically broken into your room while you were zapped asleep, or some other psywar hit against you or someone else might have been done while you were zapped asleep.
14. Have your machines or electronics improbably started malfunctioning?
If any of your machines have started malfunctioning, they might be electronically jammed or even remote controlled.  Also, the electronic circuits might have been fried by an EMP/NNEMP-style beam weapon zap.
 Here are examples of machines that hi-tech covert beam weapons can interfere with or destroy:
 Flashlights.  Covert beam weapons can easily zap out small flashlights.  (If this problem lasts, you will want LED flashlights, probably metal instead of plastic, and one or more rechargeable 1,000,000/more candlepower spotlights and maybe portable 120 volt electric lights to reliably see at night.)
 Digicams and/or digital recorders.  If you're recording any audio and/or video records of harassment, be aware that beam weapons can drain the power from AA, AAA, or special lithium digicam batteries and you will need spare rechargeable batteries and at least one good battery recharger.  Weak AAA batteries are probably especially vulnerable to being zapped out.
     If a digicam is zapped, it is also
 transpondered, meaning that it is sustainably zapped by a beam weapon.  In order to untransponder it, you'll need to open the battery cover at least very briefly and then reinsert the battery cover without breaking it.  Once you have untranspondered it, the battery power should be back to its normal partially depleted strength (instead of its very depleted transpondered strength).
     I recommend buying 2900mAh Accupower rechargable AA batteries.
 Computer power supplies.  If your computer is being zapped off by covert beam weapon zapping, the covert beam weapon zapping is probably either interfering with 1) the electrical power to the computer's electrical power supply and/or 2) the electrical power supply.  If your computer is being zapped off by electronic covert beam weapon zapping of your computer's power supply and/or weak house electrical current, you probably need an Active PFC (active power factor correction) power supply.  It is also probably a matter of the stronger the power supply, the better.
 Computers.  Computer motherboards and/or computer power supplies can get electronically jammed, wirelessly rebooted, or even fried EMP/NNEMP-style by covert electronic beam weapons.
 Printers, including all-in-one multifunction printers.  The USB 1.0/2.0 port for a printer can get electronically jammed, ironically often by a covert beam weapon wireless beam.  This covert beam weapon wireless beam is probably a computer remote control beam but it might instead be an anti-brain beam or it might be both an anti-computer and anti-brain beam.  This wireless beam either electronically jams and/or wirelessly hijacks (probably at USB 1.0 and/or USB 2.0 speeds) the USB port and/or the USB cable that the computer uses to communicate with the printer.
 USB secure digital/SD card readers.  USB ports and/or secure digital cards can be electronically jammed so that the USB secure digital/SD card reader either fails to work or sometimes even shows an empty card when there is data on the SD card There is a workaround for this.  Put the SD card in a digital camera that can read it, make sure the camera has good or fresh batteries, and connect the battery powered camera to the USB port with a special USB cable for the digicam.  With the extra battery power, the previously electronically jammed USB port will now often work.
     Since small portable USB secure digital/SD card readers are easily electromagnetically jammed (and possibly fragile enough to electronically fry and/or physically break), my workaround is to buy multiple high-speed quality SD cards and back up a complete set of SD cards to DVD instead of backing up each SD card to a portable hard disk.
     Also, please be aware that some machines can be run by commercially available remote controls (byanyone
 who uses a correctly configured remote control) and many machines can be run or at least partially run (often with some trial and error)  by remote control beam weapon zaps.

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