Victim Mind Harassment Control In Malaysia

Selain daripada meninggalkan kisah mangsa (Mind Harassment Control In malaysia) ini di blogger saya, tiada lagi mana-mana pihak kerajaan dan pihak persendirian(NGO) sudi memberikan bantuan kepada mangsa. suara,perasaan dan tekanan mangsa hanya boleh diluaskan dlm blogger ini supaya mampu menenangkan hati dan fikiran mangsa. Berharap mampu membantu mengurangkan Mangsa mind Harassment Control , dan memberitahu kpd orang awam cara utk mengesan dan mengelakkan orang sekeliling terus dijadikan mangsa.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Who Wanna Be a Bad Zombie Clowns To Help The Terrorist Destroy The Country And The Human Life

Who Wanna Be a Bad Zombie Clowns To Help The Terrorist Destroy The Country And The Human Life !
Affected From Technologies Mind Control 

Story Or Voice You Hearing Or Your Six Sence is Only The File Copy , Cut & Paste Story ........
Don't Let Them Have a Chance To Killing or Make Victim Suicide...

Note : We Is Only Wanna Stay Safe, Peace, Healty, Justice, Privacy & Economic Stability In The Country ! 


How Many Asset Building Or Everything You Buil Up Will destoy Becouse Of  Project Experiment Mind Control is Totaly a Bad Zombie Clowns Project.....

TRY Functioning Your Brain To Think About It !!!.....

Sharing From Victim Mind Control In Malaysia &Together with Victim Mind Control At Around The Worlds.

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Sunday 23 October 2016

Mind Control Already Public In News Paper At Indian Country

This is media report in Indian, complaints about mind control. human communication is important, if a some isue or crime is already happenning around us........


脑控利用语言及生理上骚扰情绪是可以控制! 但他们同时利用科技骚扰多名身边所接近的人! 让外人先攻击你! (有如听见受害者骂你,批评,挑剔,互相质疑等等)!
脑控组织们所利用的电波辐射骚扰我身体上的痛与影响是没人可以忍受的! 这些折磨都是严重性的威胁我的生命的痛及辛苦......
而且利用人的嘴巴到某处制造谣言及误赖受害者! 要团结他们的同胞杯葛其他的异族! 甚至还动用他们的成员朋友们一起展开反驳受害者行动.......脑控组织的成员们既然还会有妒忌心然后就弄坏很多我的家里电器,电话线,网络连接,电脑,及跟多....
在刻意安排之下很多捞钱的过路客来找我们麻烦..... 我们的交通工具都会接一连三的坏,有如最常见发生的车辆电箱全都坏了...... 
店面都被破坏而且还被无理的加税! .......像是要逼我们贱卖了我们所有产业.....
你能忍吗????? 这是种族打压吗! 是因为我不是穆斯林吗?.....这科技既然用在这样严重滥用的程度!!!!
希望大家读者明白这科技的滥用程度是非常的严重, 我们越安静越退让他们就越放肆的骚扰及折磨而且既然有目的在大规模骚扰及抢夺我们的人民生存的权利! 然而也相似让我们对国家失去信心而放弃一切所拥有的东西.......我相信国家里的受害者因该处于多人被骚扰及严重的程度, 但大家都忽略了外国引进的高科技正在偷窥你们的隐私及进行骚扰! 


Wednesday 14 September 2016

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS)

Sharing from : Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS)

Who We Are

Our organization was established in 2007 in the State of Ohio. As of January 2016, our organization has taken on new leadership and a ‘results-driven’ President and Board of Directors. Historically, FFCHS has had over 10,000 members worldwide. Our objective is to improve our service to our members through education, advocacy, and push for relief of the suffrage of many of our members with effective legislation to protect human life. The Human and Civil Rights as established by our fore-fathers in government, for this country and for the world.
The ‘new’ Board of Directors with a vision to be revitalized and re-establish our organization to support our country and the many citizens who are being victimized and abused by technologies that are destroying our society as stated by Pope Francis in October 2015 to Congress. The ‘quiet’ yet violent attacks that law abiding citizens have attempted to report to our government for decades now has successfully affected 6.8 million citizens of this country. That means 1 in 50 now suffer in silence as documented on this website and within our research. Bring this education to our citizens, and government that the approval of Foreign and Domestic contractors developing, testing and evaluating technologies such as nanotechnologies; Nano-sensors that are only designed to attach to living beings resulting in 6.8 million citizens now reporting a chronic ‘catch all disease’ called fibromyalgia, amongst many others must be addressed.


To educate and save lives. Sadly, by the time that an ‘unwitting’ citizen has been so horrifically abused by these technologies and systems they have been wrongfully label by our society; as the abuse of human life in such manors as documented in the ‘DOD Joint Targeting of Individuals and Groups’, or by the DOD Directive 5240.1-r – All U.S. Persons and Others can be used for Human Experimentation; these victim (targets) have become marginalized members of their communities and society in these United States.
Marginalized and abused by such U.S. Patents as; Remote Brain experimentation, Remote Neural Monitoring of an entire Humans Body; manipulated by such evil technologies as Patented Voice-to- (Human)-Skull (the forceful 24/7 of projected noise to a citizen’s head) even to Remote Burns by high powered lasers, or burns by Directed Energy and more. All released Patents by our country, and for what? The approved testing and evaluation on ALL U.S. PERSONS for pleasure. Citizens are now also reporting remote use of these technologies to RAPE MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. With documented proof or an array of intelligent citizens of our country, we all have come together to attempt to stop these harms as even our children are not exempt from the FOREGIN or DOMESTIC corporations and Our funds and programs are used to alleviate and help those suffering and or to carry out research and lobbying activities to influence government policy on various Human Rights issues and when possible to help members financially through their crisis when possible.Many of these technologies abuses we as a ‘Peaceful Non-Violent’ organization have come together to educate our country on have been approved for decades by small groups of Senators and others in our government. What those in charge of our countries safety had not realized that every Appropriations Budget and Bill contains development, testing and evaluation. Development, testing and evaluations that labeled cities, states and regions of these United States of America and are cataloged in the Library of Congress for your viewing.
These dangers of granting contract to Foreign and Domestic corporation’s agencies, pharmaceutical companies, scientist and even researchers labeled as ‘government contractors’ have brought forth the development of these reckless and severe harms that are affecting EVERY LIVING THING. From the testing and spraying of chemicals as a mass disposal of dangerous chemicals that have proven to affect our weather, asthma attacks and even damaging our drinking water, yet they continue and ‘do not fall with any individual’s name on them?’ The spraying of chemicals including Nano-sensors from drones that no one has questioned in our night skies includes the mass release of nanotechnologies where the sensor payloads are defined in four categories; GPS (to light the human body when attached painfully to your skin), to IR (Infrared to light the human body, property or other living thing), to Chemical (injection of choice), to Biological (again, injection of choice including induced heart attacks, strokes, aneurysm, blood disease, and rear cancers), and yes as documented in the age-old DOD Joint Targeting of Individuals and Groups (law-abiding). As intelligent citizens of this country, we all know that such evil actions against an entire country, WITH NO ONE BEING EXEMPT from these harms is bizarre, crazy, unbelievable, so we ask that you read the document for yourself. Who would write such a document to state that ‘even they the writers’ are not exempt, who. Yet this document continues to be passed to agency to agency, corporation to corporation, first responder to first responder, as we could go on, as we all are becoming sicker and sicker, with even Welcome to FFCHS Our Mission Targeting of Law-Abiding Citizens Research Library Joining FFCHS Weekly Conference Calls more rare diseases and no one says a word.
This is the Objective of FFCHS, to educate our citizens, our cities, our country that these documented harms must be stopped before more than 6.8 million now reported increases to the estimated 318 million citizens. There is no need for weaponized drones (uav/uas) flying over our homes land injuring innocent citizens for pleasure and theft or our privacy, they are not hoovering over for our security with armed directed high power laser weapons that can destroy an entire home with on shot. Or weaponized weapons that can, just for the fun of it, stop a vehicle engine and result in a multi-vehicle accident even death, and no one hold these groups Senators, government officials and the citizens of this country of the harmful technologies that have been approved for development, testing and evaluation in our air, drinking water, fields and foods, and on humans without our consent must end now. Just by stating within these documents that the HHS Health and Human Service to responsible for the overseeing of non-consensual human subjects has not proven one thing, only that such a statement should not have exist ‘overseeing of non-consensual human subjects’, are we kidding here? Who is responsible for writing those words, Russia, China, who? If no one, not even our First Responders, President, Soldiers or children are exempt for these harms? To educate our country on such DOD directives (not laws) as 5240.1-r – Procedure 13 ‘Human Experimentation on all U.S. Persons and Others on U.S. soil’, and other document available from the U.S. ACLU American Civil Liberties Union Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) are also inked to this website and also on These documents ‘in their own words; depicts the cruelty of unauthorized, yet true inhumane testing being conducted daily on the citizens of this country. These documents goes as far as to state that not even its own employees, those who conduct this testing and development, surveillance of communities and more are NOT exempt from these harms. Directives, not laws that have existed for decades with no oversight, hearings or justification, yet can affect the health of our President to infants playing in our back yards. These are serious concerns and a major objective, mission and plight for our organization.

We Educate and Save Lives

Sadly, by the time that an ‘unwitting’ citizen has been so horrifically abused by these technologies and systems they have been wrongfully label by our society; as the abuse of human life in such manors as documented in the ‘DOD Joint Targeting of Individuals and Groups’, or by the DOD Directive 5240.1-r – All U.S. Persons and Others can be used for Human Experimentation; these victim (targets) have become marginalized members of their communities and society in these United States.

Marginalized and abused by such U.S. Patents as; Remote Brain experimentation, Remote Neural Monitoring of an entire Humans Body; manipulated by such evil technologies as Patented Voice-to- (Human)-Skull (the forceful 24/7 of projected noise to a citizen’s head) even to Remote Burns by high powered lasers, or burns by Directed Energy and more. All released Patents by our country, and for what? The approved testing and evaluation on ALL U.S. PERSONS for pleasure. Citizens are now also reporting remote use of these technologies to RAPE MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. With documented proof or an array of intelligent citizens of our country, we all have come together to attempt to stop these harms as even our children are not exempt from the FOREGIN or DOMESTIC corporations and Our funds and programs are used to alleviate and help those suffering and or to carry out research and lobbying activities to influence government policy on various Human Rights issues and when possible to help members financially through their crisis when possible.Many of these technologies abuses we as a ‘Peaceful Non-Violent’ organization have come together to educate our country on have been approved for decades by small groups of Senators and others in our government. What those in charge of our countries safety had not realized that every Appropriations Budget and Bill contains development, testing and evaluation. Development, testing and evaluations that labeled cities, states and regions of these United States of America and are cataloged in the Library of Congress for your viewing.

These dangers of granting contracts to Foreign and Domestic corporation’s agencies, pharmaceutical companies, scientist and even researchers labeled as ‘government contractors’ have brought forth the development, testing and evaluation of these ‘reckless’ and ‘severe harms’ that are affecting EVERY LIVING THING here in the United States and abroad. From the testing and the spraying of chemicals as a mass disposal into our air, of dangerous chemicals that have proven to affect our weather, asthma attacks in humans and even damaging our drinking water. The damage by Ariel Spraying that continues daily across all states, and ‘does not fall with any individual’s name on them?’ The spraying of chemicals including Nano-sensors from drones that no one has questioned in our night skies includes the mass release of nanotechnologies where the sensor payloads are defined in four categories; GPS (to light the human body when attached painfully to your skin), to IR (Infrared to light the human body, property or other living thing), to Chemical (injection of choice), to Biological (again, injection of choice including induced heart attacks, strokes, aneurysm, blood disease, and rear cancers), and yes as documented in the age-old DOD Joint Targeting of Individuals and Groups (law-abiding). As intelligent citizens of this country, we all know that such evil actions against an entire country, WITH NO ONE BEING EXEMPT from these harms is bizarre, crazy, unbelievable, so we ask that you read the document for yourself. Who would write such a document to state that ‘even they the writers’ are not exempt, who. Yet this document continues to be passed to agency to agency, corporation to corporation, first responder to first responder, as we could go on, as we all are becoming sicker and sicker, with even Welcome to FFCHS Our Mission Targeting of Law-Abiding Citizens Research Library Joining FFCHS Weekly Conference Calls more rare diseases and no one says a word.

This is the Objective of FFCHS, to educate our citizens, our cities, our country that these documented harms must be stopped before more than 6.8 million now reported increases to the estimated 318 million citizens. There is no need for weaponized drones (uav/uas) flying over our homes land injuring innocent citizens for pleasure and theft or our privacy, they are not hoovering over for our security with armed directed high power laser weapons that can destroy an entire home with on shot. Or weaponized weapons that can, just for the fun of it, stop a vehicle engine and result in a multi-vehicle accident even death, and no one hold these groups Senators, government officials and the citizens of this country of the harmful technologies that have been approved for development, testing and evaluation in our air, drinking water, fields and foods, and on humans without our consent must end now. Just by stating within these documents that the HHS Health and Human Service to responsible for the overseeing of non-consensual human subjects has not proven one thing, only that such a statement should not have exist ‘overseeing of non-consensual human subjects’, are we kidding here? Who is responsible for writing those words, Russia, China, who? If no one, not even our First Responders, President, Soldiers or children are exempt for these harms? To educate our country on such DOD directives (not laws) as 5240.1-r – Procedure 13 ‘Human Experimentation on all U.S. Persons and Others on U.S. soil’, and other document available from the U.S. ACLU American Civil Liberties Union Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) are also inked to this website and also on These documents ‘in their own words; depicts the cruelty of unauthorized, yet true inhumane testing being conducted daily on the citizens of this country. These documents goes as far as to state that not even its own employees, those who conduct this testing and development, surveillance of communities and more are NOT exempt from these harms. Directives, not laws that have existed for decades with no oversight, hearings or justification, yet can affect the health of our President to infants playing in our back yards. These are serious concerns and a major objective, mission and plight for our organization.

Our Objectives for our Members and our Country

  • Bring public awareness to the issue of non-consensual human experimentation, as outlined in the Department of Defense Directive 5240.1-r ‘specifically’ Procedure 13 stating all U.S. and non-U.S. citizens in America can be used for human experimentation. Bring a lawsuit in Federal Court, with everyone named as a Plaintiff who submits a proper Affidavit, to end this government and non-government funded, rogue, human experimentation.
  • Bring awareness that there are good, hard-working people in government who oppose this program, and shine a light on those who use this program for personal revenge and retaliation.
  • Bring awareness that Sheriff Departments across the Country using the ‘Memorandum of
    understanding’ signed by Janet Reno dated April 1994 and the Secretary of Defense John Deutch to share military surplus weapons with the National Sheriffs Association, now in the hands of Local Police and First Responders, and Fusion centers all recently recalled by President Obama yet they remain in use. The airport received the mico-processors with weaponized systems, then also given to law enforcement agencies across the Country, and are using this technology on the U.S. population.
  • Bring awareness that researchers are partnering with academia, corporations, unions, small business owners and citizen groups to carry out the multi-jurisdictional organized harassment and destruction of a person’s life in the name of “human experimentation”, or greed with blood money (as stated by Pope Francis to our Congress in October 2015).
  • Bring awareness that these torture programs are against everything the United States stands for, as our own President and past and present Directors of government agencies have said, “The United States does not torture.”
  • Have offices located throughout the United States where members and the public can come for more information regarding these civil and human rights crimes against the public, our country. Make those responsible accountable for these horrific civil rights and human rights abuses against their fellow Americans, Innocent law-abiding ‘Human Beings’ who are suffering in silence, NOW HAVE A VOICE.
FFCHS Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
6956 E. Broad Street Ste. 133
Columbus, Ohio 43213
Phone: 1-800-771-1388
Fax: 1-888-432-5558
We are a 501C3 organization which makes your donation tax deductible, please consider joining our organization today and or sending a donation.  

We thank you in advance. 

Towards Better Health: India: Two Women Climb Cell Phone Tower, Demand I...

Towards Better Health: India: Two Women Climb Cell Phone Tower, Demand I...: 2 women climb cell phone tower, demand its removal by Express News Service,  18 May 2016 It was their grit and determination that startle...

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Victim mind control at around the world need your help.....

Victim mind control at around the world need your help.....

Sharing from victim mind control in malaysia.
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Thursday 4 August 2016


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这脑控科技(Mind Control)在全球被滥用的严重性有多糟糕及可怕.........

脑电波控制彻底的破坏了我的生活! 也同时为许多人民带来困扰! 但大家都选择了成为一个无


  • 就有如迷魂党的由来都无人知晓....
  • 家里被破门行窃可以无师自通的知道主人的财务收在何处,
  • 银行秘密号码可以让第三者神秘的知晓, 多电器一直故障及电子操控程序被更改! 身体一直疼痛及生病但求医多时都无法断定病因! ,
  • 被人跟踪及破坏财务及人生威胁!,
  • 大量的自杀案件出现! ,
  • 听见声音或重复性的听见嘈杂声(周围无人或所在范围是无法听见声音的) ,
  • 癌症,多梦, 忧郁症,身体某处细胞大量死亡! ,
  • 脑细胞被电磁波影响导致不健康,
  • 健忘症,或突然病发神经病症.....
  • 突然晕倒,突然心脏病死亡(没前科的情况下), 导航系统被刻意的破坏及制造混淆路线,
  • 电话线被专机, 及线路被骚扰导致暂时性无线! ,
  • 接到诈骗电话时对方可以知道自身家庭的秘密及消息! ,及跟多的不为人知的一面!
  • 四处发生类似被人抹黑及制造谣言的骗局以达到骚动及让某人在社会被严重的无辜排斥.......
  • 城市附近出现了大量的流氓,毒品交易,大量的罪案连连,大量 破门行窃, 大量的争吵磨擦案件,大量 种族纠纷, 大量的非法外劳出现制造骚扰, 及其他跟多的........这些都是被背后脑控组织刻意安排及允许下进行....
你只需上网查寻有关于脑电波骚扰,(Mind control )就可清楚知道这科技在全球被滥用的严重性

Sharing from victim mind control in malaysia.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Jangan Terus Bodoh Lagi ! Bermulalah Menuntut Ilmu Yg Sepatutnya Diketahui Anda...( MIND CONTROL)

Sharing from victim mind control in malaysia,

anda mungkin terasa anda sangat bertuah utk mendegari suara dari tuhan(palsu) atau sesiapa mangsa yg telah dinamakan mangsa ! Gangguan-gangguanya mungkin disampaikan melalui ( six sence ), mimpi, mendengari suara yg wujud di otak /telinga, atau mendengari suara dari satu arah yg jauh tetapi tidak nampaknya orang manusia yg sedang bersuara !

dari jawapan kajian saintifik dari luar negara, ganguan2 dan segala suara yg anek itu adalah dari sebuah teknologi yg canggih dan dinamakan sebagai teknologi mind control .......apabila anda adalah  pendengar suara2 atau memberi balasan terhadapnya.  bermakna frequecy otak anda telah dibaca dan ia sedang mengelirukan anda.......anda mungkin pelik dan gembira kenapa anda mampu dan bisa mendengari suara hati dari rakan anda dan mampu berkuasa seperti ( six sense)....

jika anda memberi responce dan bekerjasama dengan suara tersebut , ia akan menyebabkan anda atau orang yg berdekatan anda menghadapi masalah gangguan2 dari suara palsu dan (six sence ) palsu ini menyebabkan anda terkeliru dgn masyarakat di kehidupan harian anda. seperti saling terkeliru dan saling mengcurigakan tindakkan dari kawan anda.... selepas tempoh berbulan-bulan dilalui dgn sambungan teknologi ini ! badan anda akan berasa sentiasa letih dan lesu sehingga akhirnya badan akan terganggu dgn penyakit seperti kanser, sakit sendi, sakit badan, sakit otak, darah dibadan jadi tidak sihat dan kurang , sakitan berjangkit kuman akibat lembam dan berdarah didalam badan, penyakit murung, sel badanya terjejas , cuba bunuh diri  dan lainnya2.........

pesanan saya adalah jangan senang dihindari suara halusinasi palsu yg dicipta dari teknologi mind control ini ......anda akan dijadikan mangsa dan menyebabkan sekeliling dunia ini wujud mangsa yg ramai dan seksa hidupan manusia sendiri sehingga ramai yg akan berkorban dalam experiment mind control ini....

Sunday 12 June 2016

Tolonglah Menggunakan Otak Kamu Sikit Utk Memikir !....

Sharing from victim mind control in malaysia.
Diari kejadian dari seorang mangsa ben berbangsa cina di malaysia.......
Jumpe lagi orang manusia yg sudi bekerjasama dgn ahli kumpulan yg mengawal peralatan mind control ..orang manusia ini Sengaja mengeluarkan kata2 fitnah utk mendatangkan emosi marah saya ....tunjukkan sikap biadap dan berkata ayat seperti "halau jer lah orang ini" .....
Dgn "orang ini tak ok
Sedih dgn orang manusia ini ! Kenape senang jer percaye cakap orang lain utk melakukan fitnahan... dan sudi melakukan kebiadapan kpd orang manusia sendiri ....
Hari ini saya bernasib malang dan diusik dari geng ahli kumpulan ini....sehari akan datang nanti geng ini akan berkuasa dan bertambah jahat lagi disekeliling sini sana .... masa itu hang kena rogol , kena bunuh, kena seksa kepala otak , kena fitnah, kena hina pun tak ade orang manusia sudi menolong hang......
Memberi pesanan kpd awak semua...
Jgnlah mencabar hidup orang dahulu, apabila orang manusia baik ini tidak menganggu awak ! Sehari nanti tuhan akan membalas dosa teruk ini kpd awak tentang segala perbuatan kamu ini.....tolong pakailah otak kamu sikit utk memikir !....

Saturday 28 May 2016

Victim Torturing By High Technologies Mind Control Is At Around The Worlds....

Really Dunno How to let u Understanding my human Wording and
my victim mind control experince. 
Sharing from victim mind contro in malaysia.

Today I feel so sad becouse got response by some nonsense people talk about my sharing in victim mind control topic .....
If today I talk or describe u or yours about power or effect from nuclear technology can clearing your home land and all effect to the human body !...u believe or not ???.....if u believed how u know that is true...and how u get infor about it ?....

Try respect all victim mind control aroud the worlds.... don't let me talk my self or as talk to animal cow !..... try seaching and get infor in internet to understand ur self maybe also add In to your knowledge too....

If u realy dunno about it , please just quite or don't said anything try to hurt my heart or victim around the worlds and don't let people have a chance to said u is stupid...


Sharing From As below

Understanding Mind Control





这台先进脑电波科技,让人类防不胜防。 希望你们多花一点宝贵的时间来了解这件 ( 脑电波骚扰 ) 的案件。已向警方报案的受害者共有五人,还不知道自己已经成为受害者的人数无法预知 !



Control Mental - Victima Consuelo GOLMAR (España)



搞壞你的腦子! 恐怖「腦控武器」黑幕 華郵大公開!

搞壞你的腦子! 恐怖「腦控武器」黑幕 華郵大公開!

原文網址: 搞壞你的腦子! 恐怖「腦控武器」黑幕 華郵大公開! | ETtoday國際新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲
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Electronic Harassment: Voices in My Mind

Microwave radiation: the silent attacker that is destroying your mind.

Thursday 28 April 2016

如果你们都做不到就别让这实验继续的害人及更多的人类灭氓 ! ......

Sharing From Victim Mind Control In Malaysia,

华人华人啊! ........为何会那么苦命! 越过了日战时期总于有了属于自己的一片蓝天空! 越过了海洋自认会青出玉兰! 却换来了骚动排华事件..在不幸的就暴动,绑架,强奸,杀害,抢劫,暴劫 ! .. 到了如今却又来了个脑电波骚扰事件.....被骚扰的有些就忍耐不了自杀身亡!....有些就大脑细胞大量死亡而变得疯瘋癜癫!....一些呢就身体抵挡不了辐射而受病痛之苦! 不死不病的就被语言及身体身心反应折磨到日夜难眠......如今又被当了牺牲品好让实验可以完成龙大的杰作品来回归社会!.....这一切都是理所当然的吗?.....

有谁原意牺牲自己的孩子和儿孙才可称的上勇者及至尊!  如果你们都做不到就别让这实验继续的害人及更多的人类灭氓 ! ......
本人的留言有如自认是天才智者的聪明人才众多! 但这科技试验既然可以在多国同时得进行!....都无人知晓及查明真相.....真让人对现实人类抱有耻辱之心....今日一言好让众多的人才,受封人士及世界性博士们都需被拆废......

Have any people know what about it or using for what ( Big Poles) ?

Sharing From Victim Mind Control In Malaysia,
After year 2012 I beginning torturing by high technology mind control ! my hometown area aready adding many big poles like picture I showing as below. .... really make me scared about the radiation and function about the big poles ...... when I looking nearing to the big pole got showing image never i seen before !!! Not from any phone network or any others network company....
Have any people know what about it or using for what ?

Thursday 17 March 2016

Electromagnetic Weapons - Minister of National Defence for Poland

Sharing From Victim Mind Control In Malaysia,

六个星期后,脑电波(电磁武器)/(Electromagnetic Weapons)案件终于由波兰(POLAND)国防部部长正式及开始带进法庭.............

Selepas 6 Bulan Kes Mind Control(Electromagnetic Weapons) Telah mula dibawah kedalam mahkamah melalui Minister of National for Poland.......

Thursday 25 February 2016

what u will doing @你会做什么 @ Apakah anda akan melakukan

Sharing From Victim Mind Control In Malaysia,

If you are a victim mind control in malaysia ! what you will doing for protect yourself or how to away the high technologies attach u ?

Jikalau anda adalah seorang mangsa mind control di malaysia ! apa yang anda akan melakukan untuk melindungi diri sendiri atau bagaimanakah anda jauhkan diri sendiri daripada ancaman teknologi canggih ini ?

如果你是一名马来西亚的脑电波受害者 ! 你会如何来保护自己或如何来让自己远离高科技的伤害 ?